Thursday, February 21, 2008

Christian Guys...How Awesome are They!

I think that every female has something different that they look for in a man. My list is very similar to most other girls in that I have superficial items such as successful and tall. But, I have something that few girls have on their list, but every girl needs. A Godly christian man. There are so few out there in the world today that many single christian girls wonder if they will ever find one. Props to the guys who stand up against the world and decide to make a stand and be the leader. I've noticed that too many times the guy will be to scared to ask a girl out, or the girl will take the stance that girls are equal to guys and ask a guy out only to have the girl take charge of the relationship. Those guys out there that will take the initiative and be the leader in the relationship are few and far between. And, girls if you have one you are extremely lucky. Although I don't currently have a boyfriend, I have the most amazing Godly guy friends! My guy friends watch out for all of us girls. They will walk us to the car at night so that groups of drunk guys don't say crude things to us. They guard our hearts, even though we may never date or marry these guys, they still watch out for our well being. They take the time to answer questions for us to help you continue our growth in Christ. Overall they are amazing. And for all those single christian young people out there, there is a guy or girl worth waiting for and one day God will provide him or her for you! Until then, be a sister/brother to your friends and help each other improve themselves.

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